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It Hungers

Enigne: Unreal Engine 5.4      Role: Lead Gameplay Programmer

It Hungers is an Action, RPG game that requires you to hunt down and remove the human colony threatening to kill your mother. These "Human Parasites" are not only holding your mother hostage but exploiting her body to be used as a means of transportation. With each human you eliminate your mother will reward you with new and upgraded abilities to help you eliminate these monsters.

My Contribution to this Project

This project consisted of 2 Programmers, myself and Lucas W, which allowed an even split of 50/50 workload for programming. Due to the complexity of the AI and only 6 months to design, prototype, and build the game, we believe it was best for Lucas to focus solely on AI, while I would take on all other programming responsibilities. These Responsibilities Include but are not limited to:

Main Responsibilities:

  • Gameplay programming, including a movement tech built from the ground up to allow the ability to rotate, climb, and scale walls.

  • Ability System & Skill tree System, which allowed rapid creation of new abilities, both passive and active

  • UI Programming

  • Environment Programming

What I Learnt from this Project

Being only the third time ever working in Unreal Engine, the majority of the time spent working on the game involved understanding the workings of the engine and how everything connected. The production began slowly as my way of thinking revolved around Unity's workflow which does not correlate 1 to 1. With the most important education being a more deep understanding of Unreal Engine.

Key Learnings:

  • Unreal engines workflow

  • Blueprinting

  • Advanced UI Programming

  • Advanced rotation and movement programming for climbing walls

  • The full Game Development process starting with Pre-Production and rapid prototyping, to Pitching our product to our investors, and then to the final Release following our planned Alpha, Beta, and Gold stages.

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